
The Peak-End Rule: Unleashing the Science of Memorable Experiences in Retail

In today's fast-paced and hyper-competitive world, Accenture reports that a whopping 87% of organizations say traditional experiences no longer satisfy customers. It's clear that merely being "good" isn't enough anymore. To truly break through with customers, your brand needs to stand out and create a lasting impression. Enter the Peak-End Rule - a scientifically proven way to make your customer experience truly memorable.


Touchless Feedback: 5 trends driving the transition

Sorry to bring this up, but we have to talk about COVID — at least for a bit. The COVID pandemic has transformed our way of life in more ways than one. It’s made ghost towns of our cities, turned our home into our office, and qualified us to be elementary school teachers for our kids.


A Guide to Employee Net Promoter Score

NPS® (Net Promoter Score) is a technique that is commonly used for measuring customer satisfaction but it is also a very effective way of measuring employee satisfaction too. Having happy employees doesn’t just mean that the employer is genuinely interested in the wellbeing of their employees, it is also good for business. Research shows that employees that are more engaged in work are more productive, along with many other benefits.


5-Point Likert Scale: The Key To Easily Understanding Your Audience

You want to understand what your audience feels. And if you don’t yet, you should, because a happy audience is a healthy business.


The Experience Economy is Here - Post-COVID Employee Experience Perspective

In our latest webinar, Paul Jenner discusses how to leverage your employee feedback in order to ensure that the experiences your organisation delivers are memorable, exciting and positive.


How Much Does a Smiley Feedback Terminal Cost?

The short answer: Smiley feedback terminals from Ombea start at $35 per month (billed annually). The long answer: We offer a range of different technologies to help you capture feedback at every touchpoint. The exact price will depend on what you need for your specific scenario. Your best bet is to speak to us so we can advise accordingly.


The Importance of Feeling Safe at Work

While the majority office workers are still working remotely, many are wondering what will happen once they need to go back to the office.


A Guide to the Different Methods of Measuring Customer Satisfaction

Measuring customer satisfaction is an important element of improving customer service and refining product ranges. By being able to effectively collate customer satisfaction data, businesses can tweak processes, remove barriers and quickly react to customer pain points, so understanding the different methods and applying them is very beneficial to organisations.


5 Tips to Simplify Customer Experience Management Software

Customer experience software has had a presence on the business landscape for decades now. They’ve made a gigantic impact on company culture, from small ventures that are only starting out to large enterprises that have established their brand in the market. This is because creating a unique, effortless and enjoyable experience with your customer guarantees repeat transactions and brand loyalty.


What is the Net Promoter Score® and Why Is It So Important?

For any business that has customer-facing operations, the ability to measure customer satisfaction is crucial. As well as being able to identify potential issues that are causing customers to be unhappy with your service, a framework for measuring satisfaction provides business and agents with performance based targets. The framework also gives employees a better understanding of what good customer service looks like and how they can improve.


How Simple Smiley Feedback Terminals Drive Clarity

Small businesses, Charities, Blue Chips, even entire countries, are goal-oriented. The way it usually goes is that some visionary at the top defines the goal. It’s then cascaded down to ‘the people’ to make it happen.


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