
COVID Vaccination Centers Adopt Touchless Smiley Terminals

Vaccination centers in the UK and Switzerland will now use Ombea to measure patient satisfaction in real-time.

As Ellie Holmes, customer affairs manager at Nimbus NHS Covid-19 vaccination center points out:

“Patient quality and experience is incredibly important to us. We wanted a fast, efficient and COVID friendly method of collating feedback and the feedback to ensure we were meeting patients’ needs. The feedback terminal provided all of this.”

To cast their vote, patients will only need to hover their hand over the device without actually touching it, making the technology safe to use in medical centers. Some of the possible questions include: “How was your vaccination experience today?” and “Were you well informed?”.

Ombea has conducted independent research about people’s vaccination experience in Europe:

  • 80% rated their experience as excellent;
  • 16% as good;
  • 4% were neutral.

Vaccination speed has been the critical factor that made the experience excellent, as nobody wanted to spend more time at the center than necessary. Staff friendliness, cleanliness and clear process organisation were deemed as important as well. Some of the negative responses included people not feeling safe with others in a confined space and discrepancies in vaccination time.

Factors that determine patient experience at COVID vaccination centers


  • Vaccination speed


  • Staff friendliness
  • Cleanliness
  • The overall organization of the process

Having a negative impact:

  • Inadequate spacing
  • Discrepancies between schedule and actual vaccination time

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